
Tax Day Tea Parties Planned for Kalispell, Polson

By Beacon Staff

Kalispell will join numerous cities across the country Wednesday in hosting a tea party to protest excessive spending by the federal government. The event will be held from noon to 2 p.m.at Depot Park, and attendees are again encouraged to bring a tea bag, a chair and a sign. This is the second tea party held at the downtown Kalispell park in as many weeks; the last, according to various estimates, drew anywhere from 300 to 500 people.
<a href="http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-04-12-teaparties12_N.htm" title="USA Today reports that hundreds of cities and towns will be hosting tea parties Wednesday”>USA Today reports that hundreds of cities and towns will be hosting tea parties Wednesday, the deadline to file federal income tax returns. From Today:

The inspiration for the tea parties was an on-air rant Feb. 19 by Rick Santelli of CNBC, who complained that Obama’s $75 billion bailout of mortgage defaulters “rewarded bad behavior.”

At the last Kalispell event, there were baskets set up for Montana Sens. Jon Tester and Max Baucus, Rep. Denny Rehberg and President Barack Obama. Attendees filled them with signed tea bags to show their opposition to current policies coming out of Washington, D.C. Although Rehberg’s basket was filled with 142 tea bags at the last protest, he sent out an e-mail Tuesday saying he embraces them:

“Montanans are understandably outraged at the dangerously irresponsible spending in Washington, D.C. The Tea Parties springing up around the nation exemplify that anger, and I hear their message loud and clear. While the Pelosi Budget that just passed makes it clear big government is back with a vengeance, I will continue to fight on behalf of Montana taxpayers.”

Polson is also hosting a tea party Wednesday, scheduled from 4 to 6 p.m. at Riverside Park.