
Montana Forests Get $10 Million in Stimulus Funds

By Beacon Staff

GREAT FALLS – National forests in Montana are among those in 32 states that will benefit from a $274 million investment announced this week by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

Forests in Montana will receive a combined $10.1 million in federal stimulus money for facilities and trails, related ecosystems and watersheds.

Nationwide, more than $936 million in Forest Service investments have been announced.

In Montana, some of the larest allotments include:

— $3.35 million to repair and upgrade four popular recreation sites in the Bitterroot National Forest in Ravalli County

— $2.995 million to create jobs through trail maintenance and reconstruction in Flathead, Lincoln and Sanders counties.

— $1 million to reconstruct the McGillivray Complex, a 50-unit campground, boating and swimming complex in Lincoln County.