Kalispell City Council meets tonight at 7 p.m. to vote on levies for a number of city services including waste removal, urban forestry, the special lighting district, street maintenance, storm sewer maintenance and the Business Improvement District.
The only two assessments scheduled to increase are Urban Forestry and Solid Waste Collection.
The Urban Forestry levy would increase roughly $2.52 per year on a 7,000 square-foot house, or $3.60 annually on a 10,000 square-foot house. The increase is necessary primarily to combat Dutch Elm disease. This forestry assessment has not increased since it was established.
Solid Waste collection would increase by $3 annually, to roughly $111 per year, per home.
Also on the agenda, the council will vote to allow the Kalispell Fire Department to provide non-emergency transport services to Kalispell Regional Medical Center on a regular basis.
The council will examine a conditional use permit request to locate the Flathead Special Education Cooperative within an existing building at 1110 2nd Street West. Chris Neater is requesting a piece of property recently annexed by the city be zoned B-2 (General Business and I-1 Light Industrial.