
Sex and the City, Part Duex

By Beacon Staff

If you are a fan of “Sex and the City,” you should be reading this and be as excited as I am. If you have not already heard, they are making a second movie and starting to film soon! Today, Aug. 4, is casting for extras in NYC. If I was still living in NY, you bet your Manolo’s I would be waiting in line with all of the rest of the fashionistas.

My love for “Sex and the City” is not only for the cast because their characters are completely entertaining, but specifically for the fashion. Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie Bradshaw is my idol when it comes to fashion. I absolutely love how her style has evolved. In the first two seasons, I was not so in love with her clothes (too 80‘s inspired for me), but as her character evolved, as did her wardrobe, and now it is fabulous. If I could have anyone’s wardrobe it would definitely be Carrie’s!

Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha are all very different. Charlotte’s style is country club classic mixed with a 50s style influence. She has a great hourglass figure that can totally pull off the cardigan and pleated skirt flawlessly. In the beginning, Miranda played up her lawyer look and dressed way more masculine than feminine. Now her style has become more flirty but still very professional. Last but not least, Samantha was always a fashion risk taker when it comes to color, she wears the boldest and brightest prints and can pull it off well. So what character according to style describes you?