Location: Montana Liquor & Wine, Highway 93 South, Kalispell, next to Rosauers.
Wine People: Brendan and Heidi, who are cool, hip and comfortable.
Physical Coordinates: Look for the stack of royal blue boxes.
Appearance: Masquerading as a liquor store, this wine source is excellent.
Target Wine: Evodia 2007
Suggested retail: $13
MLW Price: $10.49
This wine delivers well into the $50 price range. A classy Spaniard from 100-year-old vines that are sustainably farmed, Evodia will make spending $30 for a wine unthinkable. Another Wine Spy called it “brooding.” Others said no words, but smiled that wicked, sensuously guilty grin that says, “I stole it for ten bucks.” The old vines endow Evodia with really interesting flavors of lead pencil, cherry liquor and a beautiful velvety finish.