HELENA – Montana Supreme Court Justice John Warner says he will be resigning at the end of the year to spend more time with his family and enjoy retirement.
Warner, 66, sent a brief letter to his colleagues saying his time on the court has been rewarding.
Warner told the Lee State Bureau that he was resigning because he wants to spend more time with his family, and also to enjoy more time fishing.
Three years ago, Warner announced he had a type of cancer that targets the immune system, but was able to return to work.
Gov. Brian Schweitzer will appoint Warner’s replacement based upon the recommendations that would be produced by a seven-member panel.
Warner was appointed to the seat in 2003 by former Gov. Judy Martz, taking over the vacancy created by the departure of Terry Trieweiler. Warner was elected to the seat again in 2006 for a term that runs until 2012.