Registration is now open for the annual Trapper Education Course in northwest Montana, which will be held Saturday, Oct. 17, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lawrence Park in Kalispell. This course is offered earlier in the fall so outdoor education stations can be incorporated into the course, and so that trappers can prepare for the November 1 opening of trapping season.
This will be the only trapper education course offered this year in northwest Montana, so all interested persons are urged to attend.
To register for the course, stop by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) on North Meridian Road in Kalispell. Registrants will receive pre-course materials and the course schedule.
In the course, Montana Trapper Association (MTA) instructors will emphasize trapper ethics, regulations, trapping heritage, and trap sets. Instructors will show actual trap sets and techniques. The course is a cooperative effort between FWP and the MTA.
People of all ages are invited to attend. Youngsters who attend will receive door prizes. Students who complete the course receive a certification. The course is not mandatory for trappers but it is strongly recommended.
For more information, call FWP at 752-5501, or David Pemble of the Montana Trappers Association at 871-5202.