Matt Danczyk faces new challenges as he, along with the Whitefish High School boys soccer team, advance in the postseason. For three years as a forward, Danczyk saw the field as a scoring opportunity. Now as sweeper and center back, Danczyk says his goal this year is to lead.
“I welcomed the role this season,” he said. “I’ve grown into it. (The game) was always more about goal scoring, now it’s more about possession and leadership.”
Danczyk admits he misses scoring but finds satisfaction in making tackles. Ultimately, he said, “it’s all just a sport.”
Looking back to his sophomore year, Danczyk is most proud of being a part of the 2007 Whitefish state championship team.
“It’s something I can only describe as amazing,” he said. “To know you’re the best in the state at that moment is really unique.”
As a member of the speech and debate team, Danczyk sees parallels between his two sports.
“The feeling you get with a team scoring together and losing together,” he said. “Communication is key. You have a second to make a choice. It’s quick thinking.”
Danczyk was introduced to soccer while living in Italy and attributes his time in Europe to a more rounded view of the world.
“It helps me keep from being arrogant,” he said. “Each culture has their own unique opportunities.”