The Flathead City-County Health Department will have multiple H1N1 vaccination clinics on Nov. 12 and 13, at the health department clinic.
Vaccines will be available at the Thursday and Friday clinics from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., and all vaccines given by the health department are free.
A second vaccine may be warranted, according to the health department’s press release:
The CDC recommends that all children 9 and under receive a 2nd dose of H1N1 vaccine 28 days after the first dose. Parents are encouraged to bring their children 9 and under for their 2nd dose if they received the vaccine on or before October 15th, 2009.
Here are the eligibility requirements for this clinic:
• Children 9 and under who were vaccinated on or before October 15th, 2009
• Persons ages 6 months through 24 years olds
• Caregivers of children under 6 months old, and
• Persons over 24 years of age with chronic health disorders or compromised immune systems, prescriptions are welcomed but not necessary
Children must either be accompanied by their parents or have a signed consent form, which are available at the health department and online to download. Visit the Flathead City-County Health Department website at or call the Flu Hotline at 751-8188 for any additional information.