
The Gray Lady Previews Tester’s Wilderness Bill Hearing

By Beacon Staff

<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2009/12/14/14greenwire-sen-testers-plan-for-wilderness-logging-roils-b-4200.html?pagewanted=all" title="The New York Times has piece this week on Montana Sen. Jon Tester’s “Forest Jobs and Recreation Act.””>The New York Times has piece this week on Montana Sen. Jon Tester’s “Forest Jobs and Recreation Act.” It’s essentially a preview of the legislation that will get a Senate subcommittee hearing on Thursday and will include testimony from Montana mill owners, county commissioners and environmentalists. From the NYT:

Tester describes his bill as a common-sense approach that will create jobs in Montana’s forests, guarantee access for motorized recreation, protect clean water and keep some of the state’s prized backcountry wild. Supporters say it could provide a new path for other states to follow.

Critics say the bill’s main purpose is to promote commercial logging and allow local management of national forest lands.

But no one disputes that the legislation would have a profound effect on the future of Montana’s national forests.