Wednesday 12/16
5:15 a.m. A man called to report that his girlfriend was walking southbound on Highway 93 and needed a ride home. She found a ride with someone else and made it home safely.
8:12 a.m. A 14-year-old student was threatening teachers at an Evergreen school. Authorities counseled the youth.
9:23 a.m. Several counterfeit bills showed up at an Evergreen fast food eatery.
1:53 p.m. Someone on Terrace Drive in Columbia Falls received what appeared to be a fraudulent email message.
2:04 p.m. Reports of two neglected horses in Kila proved completely unfounded. The horses are fed twice a day and are in excellent condition.
2:53 p.m. An unoccupied building on West Valley Drive was pelted with paintballs.
2:59 p.m. A vicious dog chased a female subject in Martin City. Authorities confined the dog and counseled the owner.
4:26 p.m. Someone in Hungry Horse called to report that their neighbor has been yelling at them since yesterday. He is evidently upset because the same individual reported him yesterday for pushing snow onto their property.
4:38 p.m. Someone in Hungry Horse was allegedly threatened and wrongfully accused of driving drunk and with a suspended license.
6:29 p.m. A driver on Highway 93 claims that something hit the car, immediately followed by a flash of light. Minimal damage was done to the vehicle. Authorities found nothing suspicious in the area.
6:40 p.m. A resident of Tamarack Lane in Columbia Falls reports that two male subjects attempted to gain entry to her home but were chased off by her dog. The would-be intruders were gone when authorities arrived.
7:05 p.m. Someone in Martin City was seen pulling kids in sleds behind their pickup truck. Authorities could not locate the individuals.
7:45 p.m. A customer at an Evergreen box store noticed another individual attempting to exchange a $100 bill and suspected counterfeit activity.
12:55 a.m. A car struck a moose on Highway 2 near Glacier Park.
2:13 a.m. One neighbor was upset with another on Valley View Court, evidently because a vehicle was blocking their driveway. The car had been moved by the time authorities arrived.