
Two Men Arrested on Suspicion of Counterfeiting

By Beacon Staff

Two men accused of counterfeiting bills and circulating them in the Kalispell area have been arrested, and investigators say the alleged operation may be linked to an Evergreen family that was arrested earlier this week on drug charges.

Jeremy Walbridge, 30, of Kalispell, and Benjamin Kile, 20, of Columbia Falls, were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of counterfeiting and criminal possession of dangerous drugs. Officers searched a vehicle and found counterfeit $20, $50 and $100 bills, a printer and other items commonly used in counterfeiting.

Authorities say an investigation of the family that was arrested Tuesday led officers to the counterfeit money.

Officers with the Northwest Drug Task Force arrested 45-year-old Darrell Burghduff, his wife, 46-year-old Virginia Burghduff and their 23-year-old son, Lyle Blackburn. They face charges of felony drug possession after officers found 800 illegally obtained prescription pain pills and other drug paraphernalia in the family’s home.