
Robin Loznak Featured on NPPA Visual Student

By Beacon Staff

Former Montana photographer Robin Loznak is featured this week on the National Press Photographers Association Visual Student blog. A staff photographer at The Daily Inter Lake from 1994 to 2004, Loznak is best known for his outstanding wildlife and nature images. I personally became a fan of the work he did while covering Montana wildfires for the Great Falls Tribune. Currently, Loznak is a solo staff photographer (something I can very much relate to) at The News-Review in Roseburg, Ore. Some of Loznak’s images are on display at the Museum at Central School in downtown Kalispell.

From The Visual Student blog:

The relentless hunt for good stand-alone feature photos would often drive me to look for wildlife. Because it was Montana, we always seemed to have animals around. Something I really enjoyed photographing in Kalispell was the interaction between people and wildlife….

I don’t really think of myself as a nature photographer. I think of myself as a photojournalist who takes nature pictures. I guess the difference is that I try to tell stories and capture moments in my nature photos.

Read the entire post here.
Visit Robin Loznak’s Web site here.