
Police Blotter

Flathead County Sheriff’s and Kalispell Police Reports

Problems on Parliament and a Burning Log

By Heather Jurva

Wednesday 1/20

8:31 a.m. Someone on Riley Lane in Columbia Falls called to complain that a neighbor pushed snow onto their property.

9:44 a.m. Authorities responded to reports of vicious dogs on Blacktail Trail but couldn’t locate the creatures.

9:56 a.m. A local title loan business was burglarized in the night. Although the cash drawer was opened, it us unknown whether anything is missing.

9:56 a.m. A woman on Parliament Drive reports that another woman called her and threatened to come to her house and beat her up. Both parties were counseled.

10:47 a.m. A vending machine was vandalized at a local car wash.

12:28 p.m. Someone stole a gun from a local trapping organization.

12:34 p.m. A “loaner” vehicle was vandalized at a local auto body shop.

1:29 p.m. A juvenile male in Columbia Falls called his mother and indicated that his father had spanked him. Child Protective Services will be following up.

2:34 p.m. A vicious dog attacked another unsuspecting pooch in Columbia Falls. Neither party wanted to pursue charges.

4:21 p.m. Authorities battled a chimney fire on Stag Lane for 25 minutes before the flames were under control.

5:29 p.m. An inmate at the Flathead County Detention Center was treated with a band-aid after suffering a minor cut.

5:54 p.m. An officer in Marion slipped on the ice and hit his head.

9:26 p.m. Kids reportedly chucked snowballs at a mobile home on Highway 93.

9:50 p.m. Four firefighters responded to a report of a fire at a Columbia Falls residence. Upon arrival, they helped the reporting party remove a too-large log that had caught fire but was hanging out of the wood-stove.

11:26 p.m. A male subject was taken to jail for partner assault following a disturbance on Harmony Road.

1:06 a.m. Authorities invited an obnoxious panhandler to leave the parking lot of a Columbia Falls bar.

4:15 a.m. A 42-year-old male subject allegedly left a Columbia Falls gas station with a twelve-pack of beer but did not pay.