Registration for the Pheasants Forever 2010 youth shotgun league will be at Glacier High School (enter through south entrance) in Kalispell on Sunday, January 24th at 1:00 p.m. All shooters should be present for the signup and orientation meeting. We will begin the day with the orientation/safety meeting then on to registrations. PLEASE ATTEND THE SIGNUP AND SAFETY TALK!!!
Youth League is open to all youth 12 years old through their senior year of High School. Prior completion of a Hunter Safety course is mandatory. If this is your first year participating please bring your Hunter Safety number with you to registration. You need to bring your own shotgun and shells. Safety meetings will be held every Sunday prior to shooting. Each team will be assigned a safety coach at registration.
We will begin shooting for handicap at Scotty’s on the following Sunday, January 31st, shooting seven weeks at Scotty’s and the last week in Polson. Start times may be as early as 8:00 a.m. with teams cycling through at every hour. We will have team start times posted every week on the scoreboard. Please check the start times every week as they will change from week to week. Please let us know at registration what time works best for your team and we will try to accommodate your needs. The Sporting Clays event in Polson will be our last shoot for the season; these scores will be added to your team’s average so it will be important that all teams shoot this event. Transportation to Polson will be provided for those who have none. League shooting fees will be $75.00 for the eight weeks and a $150.00 league sponsorship per 5-person team. As always there will be some sponsorship money available to assist with the league sponsorships. Shooting fees will be collected in advance, you can pay at orientation or the first day you shoot. If you are unable to pay the shooting fees in advance please contact Mike England or Wally Wilkinson and make special arrangements. League sponsorship fees are due by the January 31st so please contact your league sponsors and make arrangements for payment. If you are new to the program or don’t have enough shooters to form a team we will squad you with other members of equal ability.
The following is 2010 schedule of events:
01/24 Registration and orientation Glacier High School 1:00 pm
01/31 Team Handicaps (trap) Scotty’s 50 targets
02/17 Team Handicaps (trap) Scotty’s 50 targets
02/17 Wobble, Skeet and Doubles Scotty’s 50 targets
02/21 Wobble, Skeet and Doubles Scotty’s 50 targets
02/28 Wobble, Skeet and Doubles Scotty’s 50 targets
03/07 Handicap Trap / Make-ups Scotty’s 50 targets
03/14 5-Stand Scotty’s 50 targets *
03/21 Sporting Clays – Big Sky Sporting Clays – Polson 100 targets *
* There will be no make-ups for the 5-Stand or Sporting Clays
Awards and Banquet will be in Polson following the shoot.
For more information, please contact Wally Wilkinson at 406-253-1225