
Billings Teen Gets 10 Years for Shooting Cop with Pellet Gun

By Beacon Staff

BILLINGS – A 17-year-old Billings boy who shot a police officer in the face with a BB gun has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

District Judge Susan Watters said Thursday that Jacob G. Walles will serve time at the state juvenile detention facility in Miles City and will be transferred to the Montana State Prison when he turns 18. Walles, who was 16 at the time of the shooting, was charged as an adult with felony assault on a peace officer.

He was arrested March 26 after officers were sent to check on him as a possible suicide risk. He is accused of firing a BB gun as he fled, hitting an officer in the face. Court documents state that a BB was later found to have lodged in the officer’s jaw.

Walles also must pay $1,644 in restitution for the officer’s medical bills.