
FWP Culls 28 Bighorns Amid Pneumonia Outbreak

By Beacon Staff

BUTTE – State biologists have culled 28 bighorn sheep from a herd near Philipsburg in western Montana to determine the extent of a recent pneumonia outbreak.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks biologist Ray Vinkey said more than 25 percent of the sheep in the Upper Rock Creek herd were sick and “there’s strong potential for higher rates of infection.” He said FWP employees counted 170 bighorns, and 46 showed signs of illness.

Some of the bighorns were first observed coughing last week, making the herd the fourth in western Montana this winter to contract the disease. Three were killed Saturday, followed by 28 Wednesday.

Vinkey says the upper Rock Creek herd is fairly concentrated, which means there is probably a high transmission rate. Biologists are expected to return to the area next week to reevaluate the situation.

Bighorn sheep usually die within a few weeks of contracting pneumonia.