
LETTER: Flathead County Planning Director’s Accusation Damaging

By Beacon Staff

I don’t normally respond to letter writers who disagree with me. But in the case of Mr. Jim Spaulding’s letter (Feb. 10 Beacon: “Allegations Against the Planning Office Overstated”), I have no choice but to respond.

Mr. Spaulding was my client back in 1998, and I did a big job for him by my company standards. In 2006, Mr. Spaulding tried to hire me again to do some road easement surveying, which I declined because I was too busy. Spaulding seems to have a problem because I consider him one of my bigger clients. Every client I’ve had has been considered a big client. Our business has had thousands of jobs and if you consider each client to be “big” it makes you successful, because you treat each client equally, regardless of the size of the job.

This issue is not about Mr. Spaulding. It is about an e-mail Planning Director Jeff Harris wrote about me and three other individuals, calling us “fringe thinkers” and what we had to say was “dribble” for testifying at a public hearing. Both the Flathead County attorney and the Flathead County administrator stated that this behavior was inappropriate and Harris was written up in his file. By any measure, this statement is not complimentary to me and is damaging to my reputation. Spaulding thinks Harris’ actions are a compliment to me. Several other clients we have served over the years were appalled by Harris’s statement and have told me that his actions damaged my reputation.

I have never personally attacked Spaulding’s wife or any other member of the Lakeside Neighborhood Plan Committee (LNPC). I did recuse myself from participating on a work session on their plan because of my concerns with the legalities of the process they engaged in. I sent an e-mail to the chairman of the planning board citing my concerns. I never mentioned any names in my opinion. I can recuse myself for any reason that I think may bias my decision.

Spaulding states that the investigator clears LNPC of all these allegations. The investigator cannot clear anyone of anything. He is not authorized to practice law and is not a judge. The allegation on my case is true and is verified by the fact that Harris was reprimanded and written up in his file. I never asked the investigator to look into this issue. He contacted me and asked to interview me. I don’t care about his opinion. The three attorneys I use the most have all advised me that in, their opinion, what Mr. Harris did appears to be in violation of the Montana Libel Statute. They are all licensed and authorized to practice law in the state of Montana, the investigator is not.

I think it is obvious to any fair-minded person that what Mr. Harris has done is wrong. I should not be personally attacked or libeled for stating my opinion. I have never filed suit against Flathead County, but I do reserve my right if necessary to use the court system if damage to my reputation continues.
Jeff Larsen