
One Bison Shot in Winter Hunt; Exodus Still Possible

By Beacon Staff

BILLINGS – Only one Yellowstone bison was reported shot as Montana’s bison hunt neared an end with most of the animals still inside the national park, where hunting is banned.

With the end of the three-month hunt at sundown Monday, animals leaving the park will be subject to hazing, capture and possibly slaughter under a program meant to prevent the spread of animal disease to cattle.

Montana’s livestock agency is planning an aggressive response to bison even in areas where cattle aren’t present, starting immediately.

A mild winter prevented or at least stalled this winter’s migration of Yellowstone’s estimated 3,200 bison to lower elevations in Montana. Park bison biologist Rick Wallen says a migration is still possible in coming months.

The one bison killed by a hunter this year was taken in December near the town of West Yellowstone.

More than 10,000 people applied for a bison license; 44 were granted.