
Missoula City Councilwoman Arrested for DUI

By Beacon Staff

MISSOULA – A Missoula city councilwoman has pleaded not guilty to drunken driving.

Pamela J. Walzer was booked into jail shortly after 2 a.m. Wednesday and was released within the hour after posting $500 bail. She pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor charge in Municipal Court Wednesday on the advice of her attorney.

According to the council Web site, Walzer is a member of the council’s Public Safety & Health Committee. The committee is holding a hearing on March 8 to consider a proposed ordinance that would allow the city to fine suspected drunken drivers for refusing a breathalyzer or blood-alcohol test.

It was not immediately known if Walzer agreed to a breath or blood-alcohol test. The Missoulian was unable to reach her for comment on Wednesday evening.