Friday 3/19
8:26 a.m. Someone who was caring for an incarcerated friend’s dog is not longer willing to carry out their pet-sitting duties. The dog is reportedly quite vicious.
9:02 a.m. What was reported as a truck on fire in Whitefish turned out to be a pile of debris burning in the vicinity of the vehicle.
10:20 a.m. The door to a home on Lower Valley Road had evidently been open for several days. Authorities arrived and secured the premises.
11:17 a.m. A neighbor’s stallion wandered onto a property on Grande Vista Drive.
11:19 a.m. On Middle Road, a homeowner found an obscene word penned on their home in very small lettering.
1:07 p.m. Officers were advised to exercise caution in locating a stolen vehicle on Center Street, as the vehicle reportedly had a BB gun inside.
2:22 p.m. A grass fire headed toward a telephone pole on Helena Flats Road was quickly controlled.
2:30 p.m. A dog on Sleepy Hollow Lane apparently nips at a local resident every time they walk by.
6:42 p.m. Several kids were allegedly swinging torches in the air around a burning barrel of trash in Evergreen.
8:34 p.m. Employees of a local convenience store became suspicious when an intoxicated male subject spent an extended amount of time in the store restroom. A bottle of medication found in his wake was returned to the subject, who was at this time at a nearby bar.
9:48 p.m. An inebriated 300-pound man allegedly attacked someone’s mother on Shadow Lane. Authorities could not locate the subject.