
Who Should Really Complain About Paying Taxes?

By Beacon Staff

Just in time for the final leg of tax season, the New York TimesEconomix blog posted this interactive map (based on numbers compiled by the Tax Foundation) showing who pays the highest state taxes in the country. From Economix:

One table is particularly compelling, especially for people who like to complain that their state taxes are unusually high: the tax burden for each state’s residents, in state and local taxes.

The states with the highest state and local tax burdens, based on percentage of state income, fiscal year 2008:

New Jersey 11.8%
New York 11.7%
Connecticutt 11.1%
Maryland 10.8%
Hawaii 10.6%

And the lowest:

Alaska 6.4%
Nevada 6.6%
Wyoming 7%
Florida 7.4%
New Hampshire 7.6%

Montana (which is about in the middle): 8.6%