The United States of America continues to get more polarized politically. There is absolutely no chance of that changing. In the absence of a Civil War to see which side wins, since both sides are heterogeneously mixed together, I have a recommendation of how to end the stalemate: Let’s divide the nation in two along the Mississippi River.
The right side, made up of predominantly Republicans and the Tea Party, is focused on unregulated corporate capitalism, unbridled property rights, a religion-dominated society, the right to bear arms and hunt and trap animals, and no government intrusion into their lives, so give them all territories east of the Mississippi River where most of the major banks and Wall Street are. My recommendation is that Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh be appointed as ruling czars of the East.
The left side, made up of predominantly Democrats and independents and the Green Party, is focused on the priority of individual human rights over corporate rights, coexisting together through cooperation and compromise and collaboration, separation of church and state and education, animal rights of survivorship and the preservation of the environment, so give them the territories west of the Mississippi River where most of the national parks and wilderness areas are. My recommendation is that Maria Shriver and George Stephanopoulos be democratically elected to govern the West.
The Department of Homeland Security, which cannot seem to protect our northern and southern borders, can have the added responsibility of defending the Mississippi River border from being compromised.
The over 1million members of the National Association of Realtors, with their very powerful lobbying group, will love this idea!
Bill Baum