Gov. Brian Schweitzer wants to know if Canadian, or any other, oil companies “will skedaddle back” to where they came from in case of a spill, “and leave you hanging?” (June 22 “Pipelines Bigger Threat Than Wells in Montana.”)
That is a statement hardly worthy of any politician, especially one who’s anxious to bring such lucrative business into his state in the first place. Like anyone else here, I don’t expect rhetoric at the levels of Byron and Masefield, but that comment is a bit ridiculous. It’s certainly insulting.
Also, I don’t really see my adopted country as a nation of cowards either, which is what this statement suggests. It’s also one that tends to dot every “i” and cross every “t”, covering every eventuality, sort of like their banking system and mortgage lending practices. I’m sure you’ll all understand how important that is.
So, let’s see, some Canadians may ski, a few may even daddle, but they don’t do both at once. I’ve found them the sort of people who’d never leave anyone in the lurch, or holding the bag, as it were and certainly wouldn’t run away from a problem. They’re quite credible.
I also think Schweitzer knows it full well, else why do business with such a country in the first place?
L. H. Fox
Vancouver, BC