
Too Many Paws at County Animal Shelter

By Beacon Staff

Hello, Flathead Valley, you’re looking good lately!

We’ve received a plea for help from the folks at the Flathead County Animal Shelter that I’m passing on here. Apparently, the shelter is overcrowded, currently housing 100 dogs when it is only really has room for about 60 pooches.

The staff is asking the community and all animal lovers to help these animals through a tough time. Most of them are surrendered pets, turned in by owners who decided they couldn’t care for them anymore. This has been happening with a bit more frequency since the recession hit hard and folks have had to downsize, or so the shelter staff tells me.

These animals (cats included too!) were pets before, so they are extremely adoptable. The shelter is looking for foster families too.

If you or someone you know has a little room to spare for a new, four-legged family member, head on down to the shelter at 225 Cemetery Road in Kalispell.

Also, I would be remiss not to mention the Humane Society of Northwest Montana, which also does some great work for the Flathead’s creatures. I’m sure they’d appreciate a visit as well, so go over and check out potential best friends!

Flathead County Animal Shelter:
225 Cemetery Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
(406) 752-1310

Humane Society of Northwest Montana:
100 Adopt A Pet Way
Kalispell,MT 59903
(406) 752-PAWS
(406) 755-7388 FAX