
Magazine Ranks MSU Degree Best In-State Investment

By Beacon Staff

As the price of tuition continues to rise, many recent graduates who have taken on substantial debt to pay for school have pondered how much their degrees are actually worth. Well, according to Bloomberg Businessweek, not as much as previously thought.

Over the past decade, research estimates have pegged that figure at $900,00, $1.2 million, and $1.6 million.

But new research suggests that the monetary value of a college degree may be vastly overblown. According to a study conducted by PayScale for Bloomberg Businessweek, the value of a college degree may be a lot closer to $400,000 over 30 years and varies wildly from school to school.

From that study, Businessweek ranked the top school in each state based on their return on investment (ROI). And in this state, the magazine named Montana State University the best in terms of ROI. Some stats:

National ROI Rank: 421
30-Year Net Return for Graduates: $683,300
Annualized Net ROI: 10.2 Percent
Runners-Up: University of Montana; Montana State University, Billings

Some schools dispute the methodology used in the rankings. For the record, I’m a University of Montana graduate.