
LETTER: Spotted Dog Ranch a Good Investment

By Beacon Staff

News comes slow to Niarada, so I’m a few weeks late writing in response to Dave Skinner’s column (July 14 Beacon: Advice for FWP) disparaging the state’s attempt to purchase the Spotted Dog Ranch. This area is a wonderful acquisition that will be enjoyed by Montanans for generations to come. It is 40,000 acres of nearly pristine habitat for all species of game and non-game animals, as well as supporting 2,000 cattle.

I think $550 per acre is a steal. I don’t think the state has such a large area already, and I think the price tag of about $15 million works out to about $15 per Montanan, although much of this cost will be defrayed from various remediation settlement money. Such a fabulous place as the Spotted Dog Ranch is surely worth the cost. And we, as citizens, will own it forever.

Jeff Morrow