
LETTER: Democrats Double Down on Race Card

By Beacon Staff

Just when you think the Democrats cannot sink any lower playing the race card, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says, “I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.” Coincidently Reid’s son is running for governor of Nevada against a Republican of Hispanic heritage. In fact, in the upcoming election the Republicans are running a woman of Hispanic heritage for governor of New Mexico and a Republican of Hispanic heritage for U.S. Senate in Florida. It just so happens that the Democratic Party is not running anyone of Hispanic heritage for governor of any state or the U.S. Senate in this election.

To suggest that all people of Hispanic Heritage should think and act alike, as Harry Reid has said, is to prejudge them by their race. Is it any wonder why the hypocrites of the Democratic Party have not received a majority of the white vote in a national election in over 50 years?

John Vail