
Google Doodle Gettin’ Jazzy

By Beacon Staff

I am a huge jazz fan and was ecstatic to see Google’s doodle today celebrating the 93rd birthday of puff-cheeked trumpet jazzmaster Dizzie Gillespie.

Over the years I have been wowed by the creativity put into the Google doodle. The first doodle was created in 1999 when founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin used their corporate logo to give a shout out to their attendance at the Burning Man festival in Nevada. According to Google, a stick figure drawing was placed behind the second “o” intended as message to users that the founders were out of the office.

I was again reminded of how awesome the Google doodle could be on the birthday of John Lennon – another favorite musician of mine – this year on Oct. 9, which was accompanied by a video.

Check out the full Google doodle history.

See the full gallery of Google doodles organized by date, including doodles only used in other countries.