
‘Shop with a Cop’ Event on Dec. 14

By Beacon Staff

Dec. 14 marks roughly the eighth year that the Columbia Falls Police Association hosts the “Shop with a Cop” event. Each year, members of the Columbia Falls Police Department take a few lucky kids to Target to let them pick out whatever they want for Christmas.

Typically, you’d think the kids would run right to the toy section. But in past years, as chronicled here by the Hungry Horse News, sometimes the kids head for the stuff they just flat-out need, like jackets and boots.

Det. Steve Hughes reminds us that there are always families in need, and that the kids chosen for the shopping trip also learn the gift of giving.

“The program allows children from needy families to have a happy Christmas regardless of their family situation,” Hughes wrote to us.

Every year the Columbia Falls Police Association has a fundraiser that provides money to support the program. This year the Association is sponsoring a show featuring John Dunnigan, a well-known artist who will perform a musical and entertaining show on Friday, Jan. 21 at 7 p.m.