
STARTUP – by Elizabeth Edwards

By Beacon Staff

I received an e-mail solicitation encouraging me to purchase a new book on starting companies by Elizabeth Edwards about two weeks ago. Now … without explaining further, you can guess what I do with such solicitation. That’s right … delete! But, for some reason, I read the e-mail and promptly both bought and read the book. I’m glad I did!

Elizabeth does a great job of explaining to you “want-to-be” entrepreneurs how you can start your company for less (and why it costs less to start companies today than ever before). She has great tips on why it is important to get your personal finances in order before starting your company. She provides a very detailed listing of sources of capital, especially debt financing for startups. She is clearing an expert in branding startups. And, her last two chapters are chock full of suggestions on saving money in the infrastructure surrounding starting companies, everything from using QuickBooks and SalesForce.com to the importance of obtain trademarks for your new company.

I heartily recommend this book. Read more about it at www.elizabethedwards.com.

Now … before you start reading between the lines … I had never heard of Elizabeth prior to receiving her email a couple of weeks ago. After doing a bit of due diligence, I now know that she is doing great job of promoting entrepreneurship in Cincinnati and has an excellent book available for those considering starting a business. Have a read!