Tuesday 3/29
9:10 a.m. A man on Vonderheide Lane reported that he has unsuccessfully tried, for the last few years, to get his car back from someone.
10:20 a.m. A woman on Wettington Drive claimed her ex-boyfriend threw a tantrum and trashed her house during an argument over a neighbor. He was calm and putting away misplaced items when deputies arrived.
10:56 a.m. A woman on Spring Creek Drive claimed her daughter attacked her.
11:26 a.m. A man on Scullers Way warned that his ex-girlfriend was on her way to his house and that she was not welcome.
12:54 p.m. A man on Kings Loop thinks someone stole a little bit of his firewood while he was moving. He hid the rest of the wood for the remainder of the move.
1:10 p.m. Five runaway horses obstructed Middle Road.
2:57 p.m. A stray dog took over a valley resident’s doghouse. The stray was taken by the animal warden to a bigger better dog house on Cemetery Road.
7:09 p.m. An unfamiliar man was seen squatting and smoking a cigarette in the yard of an elderly couple’s peach house. Deputies found that the squatter was someone visiting the residents.
12:41 a.m. Deputies checked on a naughty girl found hiding in the ditch on Helena Flats Road. She had sneaked out of her house and was sent home.