I recently had the pleasure of meeting the new manager of the largest restaurant in town.
Jenny Montague is the director of the Kalispell Public Schools Food Service. Her staff serves more than 4,000 meals a day at all the public schools around Kalispell.
Jenny has quite a few exciting and innovative visions as the new director, and I’m excited to sit down and talk with her more about what her vision is for hot lunches in town. I still remember a few of my favorites — St. Joe’s Sloppy Joes! — that I will definitely be recommending.
In the meantime, Jenny passed this note along telling about next Monday’s “Montana Meal Monday.” Check out what her and her staff are planning, and stay tuned for a story on Jenny’s vision.
Kalispell Public Schools Food Service will be cooking a Montana meal at our school sites on Oct. 24 to celebrate National Food Day and National Farm to School month.
This meal will include 100% Montana beef burgers with local tomatoes, local roasted root veggies, and a local apple crisp/cake. We will also have a lentil burger tasting at Kalispell Middle School and Edgerton.
This meal is to build support for the Farm-to-School Program Kalispell Public Schools has initiated this fall, and to honor “real food.”