Wednesday 10/19
10:47 a.m. A Hungry Horse woman missed her dentist appointment and “flipped out.” The noise she made during her meltdown concerned the neighbors.
12:21 p.m. A Kalispell woman accused her ex-boyfriend of stealing her remote car starter and money.
3:16 p.m. A white Mustang and an old Nissan with “hot rod” written on the side raced down Pioneer Street. The caller claimed that they nearly ran over children at the bus stop.
3:31 p.m. A woman reportedly saw at least six hyperactive young men packed into one vehicle. She was positive they were going to cause a wreck.
4:12 p.m. A Whitefish woman claimed that a dog bit her son. He was not injured and the event may have never even occurred.
4:44 p.m. Reportedly, a man took a motorcycle out for a test drive and never came back.
5:22 p.m. A tailgater and a driver with road rage called 911 to complain about each other.
7:25 p.m. A man on Trails End Drive complained that his son stole his riding lawn mower.
9:42 p.m. A woman reportedly broke a TV, smashed windows and chased her husband with household weapons.
9:44 p.m. A Bigfork man is considering pressing charges against ding-dong-ditchers.