Monday 12/19
9:59 a.m. A pit bull was spotted in someone’s yard on Lion Mountain Road.
11:53 a.m. A Kalispell man complained that a horse was standing in his front yard.
1:13 p.m. A Hungry Horse inhabitant reported a stolen lighter.
1:26 p.m. Someone in Columbia Falls successfully broke up a dog fight with a stick.
2:16 p.m. Wooden bear carvings were stolen out of someone’s backyard on First Avenue East North.
2:51 p.m. Someone reported seeing a man driving down Main Street while slumped over the wheel.
3:30 p.m. The glass at an ATM on Third Street West was apparently destroyed with etching material.
3:47 p.m. Apparently, a patient in the hospital broke a woman’s flat iron and iPhone.
3:52 p.m. A dismayed resident on Summit Ridge Drive reported that someone stole Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus from their front yard.
4:40 p.m. A Kalispell man reported that he felt threatened by his neighbor who was in his backyard holding a pistol.
5:11 p.m. A little girl called 911 and hung up several times. The mother apologized and made her daughter do the same.
8:11 p.m. Someone in Whitefish called 911 to report seeing a woman who smelled of alcohol buy more alcohol. The caller didn’t know if the woman had been driving, but assumed so anyway.
9:16 p.m. A man reported that he was hit by a bus last June.
10:43 p.m. A man with a “sagging” truck was arrested on Capistrono Drive for theft of mail from mailboxes, driving while suspended and no insurance.
5:23 a.m. A Coram man reported that two boys were following “bunny trails” near his house, claiming to be on their way to school.