
McLaughlin Poll: Rehberg Up Six

By Beacon Staff

Politico’s David Catanese obtained recent numbers from GOP pollster John McLaughlin that show Congressman Denny Rehberg with a six-point lead over incumbent Sen. Jon Tester, 46-40. Fourteen percent remain undecided.

At least three separate polls on the highly competitive race have been released in the last few weeks. Last month, PPP found Rehberg up 47-45. The month before that, a poll commissioned by the Montana Chamber of Commerce had Tester leading 42-37.

The race is even more crucial in deciding which party will control the U.S. Senate with Nebraska Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson announcing earlier this week that he will retire. In fact, Catanese says it is the most competitive in the country:

While a pair of private surveys delivered mixed results, no public poll has shown the needle budging significantly in one direction, making this the toughest Senate race in the country to call.