Wednesday 12/28
10:08 a.m. Apparently, dogs at the end of Alder Lane bark all the time. Also, there has been talk of a black lab that gets out and growls at unsuspecting residents.
10:23 a.m. CDs and tools were reported stolen out of a locked vehicle on Drumlin Way.
11:33 a.m. A woman on Conrad Drive claimed that another woman took her trailer without asking.
12:13 p.m. A man on Highway 35 in Kalispell was seen pounding on his girlfriend’s door and cussing.
12:23 p.m. A man on Rose Crossing reported that he came home to find a window smashed in and his home ransacked. A pistol was missing.
1:25 p.m. Someone on Blue Spruce Lane feels bad for two dogs that he feels are undernourished.
1:28 p.m. People in Hungry Horse were fighting, screaming and yelling.
3:39 p.m. A woman on Highway 209 near Bigfork reported seeing a man wearing a Jason mask scurry across the road. She claimed that he pointed and stared at her for a moment then disappeared into a Christmas tree. She last saw him walking with a limp toward Ferndale.
4:05 p.m. A man on Rhodes Draw reported that his sister threatened to break into his house to retrieve her couch. She claimed she had no intention of going anywhere near that man’s property.
8:10 p.m. A man called in to talk about some bad vibes he was getting from two guys in a gas station on Highway 93 South.
8:18 p.m. A man on Sixth Avenue East reported that a drunken man was in his neighbor’s backyard howling “like a goofball.” The drunk and his bicycle were taken home.
9:32 p.m. Dogs were at large in Kila.