For folks looking for a new winter activity, the Izaak Walton Inn in Essex will be the place to be this weekend. The historic inn is hosting Ski Fest on Saturday and Sunday, and people can get free cross country skiing lessons on area trails.
“It’s just a weekend to introduce folks to cross country skiing and is for people who may not know much about it,” said the inn’s Amanda Kern.
Festivities will start at about 10:30 each day and go until mid-afternoon. Sportsman and Ski Haus will be on hand with demo gear that people can use free of charge and the Izaak Walton’s gear will be available to rent at reduced rates. Trail passes are free all weekend. Kern said the event has been going on for more than a decade and is always popular.
“It’s usually a busy weekend and we’re excited to see so many people,” she said.
For more information call the Izaak Walton Inn at (406) 888-5700.