
Polson High School Deals With Old Roof, New Leaks

By Beacon Staff

Buckets and towels are strewn about Polson High School this winter to catch water from a leaky roof, an ongoing issue that Vice Principal Brandon Thurston said needs to be addressed.

Thurston said the roof is more than 30 years old and, according to most people at the school, has always had some problems. But this winter it’s gotten progressively worse as snow sits and melts atop the flat structure. Thurston said a mill levy on local ballots last fall failed and until local voters approve funds for the building, the school may just have to live with it.

“The roof is 30 years old and it has been maintained, but it’s just so old now and the repairs needed are extensive,” Thurston said.

Polson Superintendent David Whitesell said the building technically has two roofs, a concrete base and an insulated roof above. The insulated roof is primarily made of a foam material that has been picked apart by birds over the last few years. According to Whitesell, engineers estimated it would cost more than $800,000 to replace the roof. He said those funds could come from a local levy, federal grants or a loan from the Montana Board of Investments.

“I believe it’s a nuisance that’s quickly becoming an issue,” he said. “It’s something we need to address as a community.”

Whitesell believes last year’s levy failed because of the tough economy and the fact that some people in the community don’t believe it’s a problem. Whitesell and Thurston both said if the school district moves forward with another levy, they will work to make the community more aware of the issues at the school. Whitesell said the leaky roof is on the agenda for the March 12 school board meeting.

Thurston, who has been with the school since September, said the severity of the leaks depends on the season and weather.

“I’d say it’s more of a nuisance – I mean you have buckets and towels to walk around, but teachers are still doing their job and the students are still here,” Thurston said.