A couple of recent studies from the state Department of Transportation have determined that the speed limits on Big Mountain Road and the Kalispell Bypass should be increased.
James Freyholtz, a traffic engineer with the transportation department, presented the speed studies to the Flathead County Commission on March 8. The studies help determine if a thoroughfare has the appropriate speed limit.
According to the studies, most of the traffic on Big Mountain Road surpasses the 25 mph speed limit that begins at the road’s intersection with East Lakeshore Drive. Most of the traffic travels between 30 mph and 50 mph, Freyholtz said.
There have been 30 vehicle crashes reported from 2008 to 2011, he said, with 14 of those due to adverse road conditions. Most were single-vehicle, off-road accidents, he said.
There is a variance of speed among travelers, Freyholtz said, but few obey the speed limit.
“Obviously that 25 mph isn’t what people are feeling is an appropriate speed on that road,” Freyholtz told the commission.
The study recommended increasing the Big Mountain Road speed limit to 40 mph. Commissioners Dale Lauman and Jim Dupont said they were in general agreement with the increase, and that most people go faster than the current posted limit anyway.
The Kalispell Bypass, also called the Kalispell Alternative Route, has a current speed limit of 50 mph, and Freyholtz said most drivers travel at about 55 mph to 60 mph. There is not yet a crash history for the road, he said, because it is relatively new to the valley.
Transportation officials wanted to get a baseline for traveler speeds now that the first section of the bypass is complete, Freyholtz said. The study recommended increasing the general speed limit to 55 mph, though the section between U.S. Highway 93 and the first roundabout would start at 45 mph.
The commissioners seemed to agree with this increase as well.
Freyholtz said once the county commission adds their comments, the speed limit increase suggestions will go before the Transportation Commission for approval.