
Realtors Association Hosts Affordable Housing Tour

By Beacon Staff

Affordable homes, or ones listed under $250,000, will be on display during the Northwest Montana Association of Realtors’ open house tour on Sunday, March 25. The event was made possible through a grant from the Realtors’ national association to promote affordable housing throughout the Flathead Valley.

“There’s such a great selection of affordable housing in the valley and with interest rates so low, it’s a great time to buy,” said Brian Nicodemus of the Northwest Montana Association of Realtors.

Nicodemus said the association plans on presenting 50 to 60 homes during the afternoon home tour in hopes of showing area residents across the valley what’s available. The Realtors’ association won a $4,000 grant from its national affiliate to help promote the tour as well as provide housing information at the Flathead Building Association Spring Home and Garden Show, held at the Flathead County Fairgrounds from March 16 to 18.

Assisting the Realtors’ association with getting information out about affordable homes are the Montana Board of Housing, NeighborWorks of Montana, the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development program, the Whitefish Housing Authority and Habitat for Humanity.

Nicodemus said the group didn’t have a final count of how many homes will be shown and because a map of the home tour won’t be available until shortly before the March 25 event. People interested in seeing what homes will be open can visit www.flatheadopenhouse.com. Nicodemus said homes will be added to the website right up until the day of the event.

For more information visit the website or call (406) 752-4313. The open house takes place on Sunday, March 25 from noon to 4 p.m. Attendees can also enter in for a drawing for a new big screen television to be announced on March 27.