
Whitefish Freestyle Team Wraps Up Thrilling Season

By Beacon Staff

Last weekend some of our best local talent hit the slopes and terrain park at the seventh annual Corn Cup at Whitefish Mountain Resort for one of the final competitions of the winter.

The talented group included 13-year-old Whitefish skier Maggie Voisin, who is featured in this week’s Beacon, and members of the Whitefish Mountain Resort Freestyle Ski and Snowboard team.

The freestyle squad is wrapping up another successful winter of thrilling competition and high-flying tricks. Before the season started, head coach TJ Andrews said his goal was to have every team member gain confidence on the slopes and set a goal that could be reached. From the sounds of it, that’s exactly what happened this winter. Andrews said almost everyone on the team has been landing flips, including a 9-year-old member, and others have gone on to notable success throughout the region.

In one of his first big competitions, 13-year-old Wyatt Coe from Whitefish placed 27th out of 68 competitors on March 8 at the Freestyle Skiing Junior Nationals in Steamboat Springs, Colo.

“For Wyatt to break out of the shell like that and do well, that was a real eye-opener for him,” Andrews said.

Baylen Connolly, who took second in last week’s men’s open snowboard competition at the Corn Cup, has been one of the best competitors in the Northwest and qualified for the United States of America Snowboard Association Nationals.

Tatum Bennett, who finished third in the women’s open snowboard at the Corn Cup, also qualified in slopestyle and bordercross for the USASA Nationals.

Cole Maxwell won the overall men’s open snowboard competition at the Corn Cup. Tatum Hanks placed first overall in the youth snowboard division.

“We had a great turnout of kids each week this winter,” Andrews said. “Pretty much the freestyle team dominated all the competitions on our mountain.”

The freestyle team’s annual fundraiser will be held on March 24 at the Bierstube at the mountain.

7th Annual Corn Cup
Overall Results (both days combined)
Whitefish Mountain Resort

Men’s Open Snowboard
Cole Maxwell, 1st
Baylan Connolly, 2nd

Men’s Amateur Ski 13+
Eli Taylor, 2nd
Scott Marsh, 3rd

Men’s Amateur Snowboard 13+
Hunter Lamoreux, 2nd
Ethan Lannaghan, 3rd

Women’s Ski Open
Maggie Voisin, 2nd

Women’s Snowboard Open
Tatum Bennett, 3rd

Grom Ski
Ladd Costain, 2nd
Gardener Dominick, 3rd

Grom Snowboard
Tatum Hanks, 1st