
Leftists Lie About 1505

By Beacon Staff

Don’t you just love election season? Have you heard the blitzkrieg of anti-Rehberg ads paid for by Citizens For Strength and Security? You know, the ones about the feds (Homeland Security) grabbing tens of thousands of square miles of our land, fencing us off from hunting and other uses and hazing us with helicopters when we hunt where we have always done so. One of them even accuses Rep. Denny Rehberg of voting for the Patriot Act.

Wondering about all this fuss, I looked up the bill, HR 1505. Surprise! It is a simple five-page bill to allow our customs and Border Patrol officers the right to secure our borders on land under the jurisdiction of the Secretaries of the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture, such as national parks and monuments, wilderness areas and BLM lands. It does not prohibit traditional uses.

Then, there is the Patriot Act. It was first passed after 9/11 during the Bush administration. It was considered then as an important tool in the fight to keep Americans safe from terrorists. After campaigning against it as a candidate, President Barack Obama quietly signed it when it was again passed by the Democratic-controlled House and Senate, of which Sen. Jon Tester is a member.

As for Citizens For Strength and Security, this is a national liberal PAC which has supported Democratic candidates in Colorado, New York, West Virginia and North Carolina and joined with the SEIU to oppose Republican candidates. Isn’t it nice to be lied to by leftists from out of state, especially since they are usually against traditional rights, like the right to bear arms.

Tester should clarify his position regarding border security on federal lands, especially since out of state PACs are lying on his behalf.

Dan Diamond
Columbia Falls