Excuse me, “The War on Women” (April 4 Beacon letter). What happened to responsibility?
I’m sure, in this great nation we all call home you can still have as many precious children as you want. If you pay for them … Are you asking other citizens to pay for yours?
I have two beautiful children and I know what it is to carry another soul. Special cases should still be dealt with in special ways. But abortion should have never been nor should ever be a means of birth control. There is also adoption.
Excuse me again … I have been here all of my life and have never had a problem obtaining a form of birth control through a government facility. On the contrary, I hear advertisements for women every single week on my radio for something benefitting women (not men).
If a man was responsible for a lot of kids I would hope he had the good sense to get a vasectomy himself. That same concept goes for women also. Be responsible. There are children suffering in America because of the lack of parents and proper parenting. Don’t’ add to it.
Christine Cripps