
Electronic Recycling and Hazardous Waste Collection Events Scheduled

By Beacon Staff

The WasteNot Project is holding its 10th annual small business hazardous waste collection event on May 18, followed the next day by a recycling event for electronic equipment.

According to the WasteNot Project, all businesses generate hazardous waste and it is the businesses’ “legal responsibility to properly dispose of hazardous waste generated by your business activities and common maintenance needs.”

People are asked to look for warning labels on products at their business that are marked flammable, caustic, danger, hazardous or poison.

Pre-registration for the May 18 collection event, held at the Flathead County Landfill, is required by May 17. Call the landfill at 758-5910 or 758-5911.

“This event helps you comply with state law and it helps you save money,” a release from the WasteNot Project says.

Homeowners can safely dispose of common hazardous products that are found in all homes on the third Saturday of each month at the Flathead County Landfill.

The May 19 electronic recycling event is held in two locations: from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Valley Recycling at 1410 U.S. Highway 2 W. in Kalispell and from 9 a.m. to noon at The Wave at 1250 Baker Ave. in Whitefish.

People can bring their electronics to the event to be recycled either for free or a fee, depending on the device. Accepted devices include computers and monitors, printers, television and satellite equipment, cameras, music devices, cell phones, cords, cables and ink and toner cartridges.

Major appliances, alkaline batteries, fluorescent bulbs, large televisions over 36 inches and air conditioners are among the devices not accepted.

For questions and additional information regarding the May 19 event, call 257-4302 or 756-8993. Valley Recycling can also be found online at www.valleyrecycling.com.

The WasteNot Project is a consumer education program “that seeks to heighten awareness about solid waste issues, while promoting ways to reduce the volume and toxicity of our county waste stream.”

The collaborative project was established in 1995 and includes the Flathead Valley Community College Service Learning Program, the Flathead County Solid Waste District, and Citizens For A Better Flathead, according to its website.

For more information, call Citizens For a Better Flathead at 756-8993 or visit online at www.wastenotproject.org. The website for the Flathead County Solid Waste department is www.flathead.mt.gov/waste.