As a former small-town journalist, I know that one major role of the news-media – especially in a small community like ours – is to “herald” the outstanding citizens who make this valley the wonderful place that it is. I was disappointed in a recent article that failed to accomplish just that. “Montana Beef, it’s What’s for Lunch” (May 16 Beacon) outlined an exciting new undertaking that School District 5 has coordinated alongside Lower Valley Processing Company, a deal which will bring local beef into Kalispell’s public schools. However, the article left out an incredible individual who was a key player in facilitating this change: Katie Wheeler.
As a Flathead Valley Farm-to-school VISTA and Montana FoodCorps member, Wheeler has put countless hours into the deal, which, as the article states, will bring $35,000 into the local economy and will also save the school district a significant amount of money in transportation costs. On the behalf of the community, I would like to thank Wheeler for taking the time to create such a positive change, and to the Beacon, on behalf of the journalist in me, may we not forget to give credit where credit is due.
Gavin Wisdom