
Ken Miller Sponsors Kalispell Event Featuring Sharron Angle

By Beacon Staff

Sharron Angle, a former Republican Nevada state legislator who ran unsuccessfully against Democrat Hairy Reid for the U.S. Senate in 2010, is coming to Kalispell on May 31 for a “Foundation of Freedom Rally” and book signing. She will be a guest speaker at the rally.

The campaign for Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Miller sent out an announcement earlier this week to promote the event, which will be held at Kalispell’s Red Lion Hotel. Miller’s campaign is the event’s sponsor, and is also sponsoring two earlier rallies with Angle in Billings on May 29 and Bozeman on May 30.

Miller’s announcement introduces Angle as a “tea party favorite, Claremont Institute Ronald Reagan Freedom Medallion Recipient and author of best-selling book, ‘Right Angle.'”

“Come hear the patriot who stood up to Harry Reid in the 2010 elections,” the announcement reads, “and fights for OUR constitutional rights.”

For more information, visit Miller’s campaign website at www.miller4governor.com.