
SIDE DISH: Cinnamon Chocolate Flan

By Beacon Staff

Winter is in the air, the holidays are fast approaching and for most of us that means gatherings and dinner parties with family and friends.

While these can be lots of fun for your guests, many times for the person left in charge of the food it can be a daunting task.

I have found that no matter how the dinner goes, if you finish with an amazing dessert then everyone is happy and your party will be a sure success.

This recipe is simple yet elegant and can be made the day before to lighten the load on the day of your dinner party.

Before getting started you will need to gather the following
ingredients, a 13-by-9-by-2 baking dish and five 6-ounce oven safe ramekins:

  • 1 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 yolks
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 T. cocoa powder
  • 1 t. ground cinnamon
  • 1 t. vanilla extract

First we need to make the caramel.

To do this combine the brown sugar and water in a small sauce pot and bring to a simmer over medium heat.

Continue to simmer until large bubbles begin to form and it is turns into a thick syrup consistency.

This should take about 10 minutes. Arrange the ramekins on your baking dish and when you have a nice caramel pour equal amounts into each ramekin making sure to cover the bottom evenly.

Place the ramekins in your freezer to set the caramel and pre-heat your oven to 325 degreees while you make your custard.

To make the custard, combine the milk, cream, cocoa powder, cinnamon and 3/4 cup of sugar in a sauce pot and bring to a simmer over medium heat, slowly whisking to combine without making to many bubbles on the surface. In a mixing bowl add the eggs, yolks, remaining sugar and vanilla and whisk to combine. Next slowly whisk half of the cream mixture into the egg mixture to temper the eggs and then combine both mixtures together.

Remove the ramekins from the freezer and pour equal amounts of the custard into each. Add hot water to your baking dish so that it comes half way up the ramekins and place on the center rack in your oven. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the custards have set. Remove from the oven and let them cool to room temperature.

Place in your refrigerator for at least three hours but preferably over night to completely cool.

When ready to serve run a pairing knife around the edge of each flan and invert onto a plate to un-mold. I like to garnish mine with some fresh berries and shaved dark chocolate. Enjoy!

Joshua Auerhammer is the chef/owner at the Culinary Design Studio in Bigfork.