Is your state Legislature and state employees hostile to the concept of equal protection under the law? Our public servants take an oath to protect this concept under the Constitution. Columbia Falls Rep. Jerry O’Neil poses a question more valuable than “gold.” Is the protection of the value of labor exclusive to government employees only?
O’Neil requested to be paid the value of his services in accordance with Article I, Sec. 10 of the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. This is a simple request to protect what is his – the value of his labor. After all, what is real money for? The answer is a medium of exchange for goods and services for equal value and a method of storage in the same value over time. The Coinage Act of 1792 defines a U.S. Dollar as 371.4/16 grains silver (.999 grains fine). Understanding this concept will challenge the sincerity of all elected officials’ service to their oath and will cast serious doubt on some legislators’ ability to perform their task.
In the upcoming session of the Montana Legislature, there will be all sorts of attempts to preserve the value of the public employees’ and teachers’ retirement system by pumping additional taxpayer money into a system that is failing to preserve the value of their labor. If our elected officials truly believe in the concept of equal protection under the law, why would they sneer at O’Neil’s request? Furthermore, why would they continue to reject the concept of sound money that protects taxpayers and all employees’ value of their labor? Demanding a bigger portion of the economic pie to make whole one person’s labor versus another’s is nothing more than theft and discrimination.
The fiscal cliff and economic crisis we have heard about is really about printing money out of thin air without any productive value to back its existence. This act alone devalues existing labor and savings. The state is prohibited from discharging debt in accordance with Article I, Sec. 10, U.S. Constitution. It is also prohibited from printing money (legal tender) out of thin air. Thus the State has lost control of its economic prosperity to a private banking institution we call the Federal Reserve Bank. This places the State and its public servants in a position of choosing whom to serve. The people of the state of Montana (all of them) in accordance with the Constitution and the principle of equal protection under the laws, or the federal government and the Federal Reserve Bank in pursuit of tyranny through financial control over the peoples’ most basic private property right – the value of their labor.
Bob Wagner