
Tally Lake Ranger District Plans Spring Burning

By Beacon Staff

The Tally Lake Ranger District on the Flathead National Forest plans to initiate prescribed burns this spring, if and when suitable weather conditions exist, forest officials announced Thursday.

The U.S. Forest Service uses prescribed fire to meet various management objectives, including returning fire to the ecosystem, maintaining or restoring plant communities, reducing or removing exotic plants, maintaining or improving wildlife habitat, reducing hazardous fuel accumulations and reducing fire suppression costs.

Burning will be weather dependent and ignition will only occur on days with a good smoke dispersion forecast.

Reid Creek: The Tally Lake R.D. is planning a burn about 14 miles West of Whitefish. Up to 40 acres will be treated to reduce hazardous fuel accumulation and maintain the presence of fire in the ecosystem. Smoke may be visible from various locations in the Flathead Valley.

Tally Lake and Farm to Market Roads: The Tally Lake R.D. will be conducting prescribed burning alongside the Tally Lake and Farm to Market roads. Burning may start as early as the first week of April and will continue through May. These prescribed burns consist of hand piles that were created during a fuels reduction project. A total of 25 acres are planned for this Spring.